By Alberto Simoes
June 30, 2016
Chad Granum just completed his first Test2 grant, and took some time for rest and payment bureaucracy before starting his second grant, now documenting Test 2.
This is the first report for this new grant. During the last weeks he worked in an initial Test2 tutorial, that was incorporated into his YAPC presentation available at Accordingly with his report, this is just the beginning on how to write tests. Soon he will also start the sections for Test Tool authors.
Categories: Grants
June 30, 2016
Chad Granum just completed his first Test2 grant, and took some time for rest and payment bureaucracy before starting his second grant, now documenting Test 2.
This is the first report for this new grant. During the last weeks he worked in an initial Test2 tutorial, that was incorporated into his YAPC presentation available at Accordingly with his report, this is just the beginning on how to write tests. Soon he will also start the sections for Test Tool authors.
Categories: Grants