1. Purpose
The Marketing Committee shall manage all Yet Another Society operations related to marketing for The Perl & Raku Foundation. It shall be granted all powers granted to the Board of Directors relevant to these operations except:
- Those that are specifically denied under the Yet Another Society Bylaws.
- The sale or purchase of assets worth greater than $500.
- Borrowing money or assuming any long term liabilities.
- Entering into any contract or agreement worth more than $10,000.
2. Objectives
The Committee shall support the following specific tasks:
- Blogmaster
- Site design and maintenance
- Market research
- Press releases
- News articles
- Social networking (Twitter, Facebook)
3. Membership
The Committee shall consist of at least two and at most eleven members. The Board of Directors shall always have at least one representative on the
committee. The Committee shall ensure adequate membership to carry out the tasks specified in Section 2.
The initial membership of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. Members shall serve for 1 year terms. There shall be no limit to the number of terms any member may serve.
One person shall be appointed the Marketing Chair and will coordinate the activities of the other members. The Chair will be responsible for reporting activities to the Steering Committee. A Deputy Chair will be appointed to support the Marketing Chair.
Members of the Committee shall be nominated by the Committee. New members shall be elected by a majority vote of the Committee. Any member can be removed by a majority vote of the Committee. At any time, a member can be added, removed, or replaced by the Board of Directors. In the event of the death, resignation, or removal of a member, the Committee shall elect a new member.
4. Meetings & Reports
The members of the Committee must meet at least once per year. Due to the international nature of the committee, these meetings will be held via email. The Committee shall provide a report of all recent operations at least once every three months.
5. Duration
The Committee shall serve until dissolved by the board of directors.