By Mark A Jensen
March 6, 2018
Tinita spent about 20 hours coding YAML::PP this month.
To her growing YAML bibliography, she has added "Strings in YAML - To Quote or not to Quote". Here Tina shows very clearly that Ingy's ultimate goal was to write the Kobiyashi Maru of format specifications. (She doesn't say that.)
In "Safely load untrusted YAML in Perl", she compares multiple parsers with respect to object loading and cyclic reference handling.
She also continued to hack away on YAML::PP. You can read about that in her latest report.
Categories: Grants
March 6, 2018
Tinita spent about 20 hours coding YAML::PP this month.
To her growing YAML bibliography, she has added "Strings in YAML - To Quote or not to Quote". Here Tina shows very clearly that Ingy's ultimate goal was to write the Kobiyashi Maru of format specifications. (She doesn't say that.)
In "Safely load untrusted YAML in Perl", she compares multiple parsers with respect to object loading and cyclic reference handling.
She also continued to hack away on YAML::PP. You can read about that in her latest report.
Categories: Grants